Prayer times in Faisalabad, Pakistan, are essential for the city’s Muslim community, with daily prayers scheduled according to the sun’s position.
Prayer time Faisalabad, Prayer timetable, Salah time in Faisalabad according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Faisalabad and when to raise the call to prayer in it.
Prayer time Faisalabad, Azan time Faisalabad, Salah times in Faisalabad today
The following time call to prayer includes maghrib prayer time Faisalabad, fajr prayer time Faisalabad, Dhuhr prayer time Faisalabad, Asr prayer time Faisalabad, Isha prayer time Faisalabad
Daily Prayer Schedule
The daily prayer schedule in Faisalabad follows a consistent pattern, with slight variations throughout the year due to changes in daylight hours. According to recent data, the prayer times typically begin with Fajr around 4:11 AM and conclude with Isha at approximately 6:43 PM[1]. The schedule includes five obligatory prayers:
- Fajr (dawn prayer): Usually starts between 4:11 AM and 4:41 AM
- Dhuhr (noon prayer): Typically begins around 11:27 AM to 12:01 PM
- Asr (afternoon prayer): Generally starts between 2:50 PM and 3:21 PM
- Maghrib (sunset prayer): Commences around 5:25 PM to 5:56 PM
- Isha (night prayer): Begins between 6:43 PM and 7:14 PM[2][1][3]
It’s important to note that these times can vary slightly depending on the specific calculation method used and the time of year. Muslims in Faisalabad are encouraged to check local mosque announcements or reliable prayer time applications for the most accurate daily schedules.
Sunrise and Sunset Impact
The timing of sunrise and sunset in Faisalabad significantly influences the daily prayer schedule, particularly affecting Fajr and Maghrib prayers. According to the prayer timetable, sunrise in Faisalabad typically occurs between 6:01 AM and 6:58 AM, while sunset takes place between 5:01 PM and 5:55 PM, depending on the time of year.[1][2] These solar events directly impact the prayer times:
- Fajr prayer begins at dawn, approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes before sunrise
- Maghrib prayer commences immediately after sunset
- The duration of daylight affects the spacing between prayers, with longer days in summer resulting in more extended intervals between Dhuhr, Asr, and Maghrib
As the year progresses, these times gradually shift, requiring Muslims in Faisalabad to adjust their daily routines accordingly to maintain their religious obligations.[1][2]
Monthly Prayer Timetable
The monthly prayer timetable for Faisalabad provides a comprehensive overview of prayer times throughout the year, allowing Muslims to plan their daily routines accordingly. In October, for example, Fajr prayer times gradually shift from 4:11 AM at the beginning of the month to 4:17 AM by the 10th[1]. Similarly, other prayer times adjust:
- Dhuhr moves from 11:27 AM to 11:24 AM
- Asr shifts from 2:50 PM to 2:42 PM
- Maghrib changes from 5:25 PM to 5:14 PM
- Isha adjusts from 6:43 PM to 6:32 PM
These subtle changes reflect the shortening days as autumn progresses. Muslims in Faisalabad can access detailed monthly schedules through various online platforms and local mosques to stay informed about these gradual shifts in prayer times throughout the year[1][2].