Prayer times in Alaflaj, Salah time in Alaflaj according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Alaflaj and when to raise the call to prayer in it.
Prayer time in Alaflaj – Salah time in Alaflaj today
مواقيت الصلاة في الافلاج اليوم
مواقيت الصلاة في تبوك, مواقيت الصلاة في الأفلاج حسب التوقيت المحلي معرفة وقت صلاة الفجر وقت الظهر ووقت العصر ووقت المغرب ووقت العشاء في الأفلاج ومتى يرفع الأذان فيها.
About Aflaj City
The province of Aflaj is among the governorates of the Riyadh region, which number twenty governorates in Saudi Arabia and the city of Laila is its base, and the aflaj is about 300 km from Riyadh, the capital of the Kingdom, and consists of many agricultural villages located on Mount Tuwaiq, known as Jabal Al-Arid in the past, starting from the eastern foot to the western edge.
The aflaj was named by this name in relation to the word falaj, which is the water that flows from the eye automatically and is therefore famous for the abundance of water that was flowing above the surface of the earth and was talked about by Abu al-Faraj al-Isfahani as well as mentioned in the dictionary of al-Yamamah by its writer Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Khamis.
Aramco has discovered many oil and gas fields in this province, specifically in the north, center and east, in quantities described as commercial.
The province also has many human cadres and scientific competencies who did not only work within the province, but also contributed to the progress and prosperity of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the graduation of a group of businessmen, academics, geniuses, scientists and judges, and the province has been known for the well-established education of its people for a long time.
Commercial caravans heading to southern Arabia passed through the province of Aflaj and there was a market called Souq al-Falaj from which Arabs constantly shopped.