Prayer times in Al Kharj, Salah time in Al Kharj according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Al Kharj and when to raise the call to prayer in it.
Prayer times in Al Kharj – Salah times in Al Kharj today
About Al-Kharj City
Al-Kharj is located in the southeast of the Riyadh region and is among the governorates of importance in Saudi Arabia, with a population of about 750 thousand people, and in the 2015 census, the total reached 435 thousand and 461 people, with a total area of 19 thousand and 790 square kilometers, while the capital of Al-Kharj is the city of Al-Seih, which is the modern economic and administrative center of the governorate, while the governor is Shabelle bin Majdou Al-Qarni.
In the language, the word Al-Kharj is called the valley from which there is no outlet, and this is clear evidence through the direction of the valleys that flow in this province towards the east in Rod Al-Sahba, and the sands of Al-Dahna reserve them.
The climate in Al-Kharj Governorate is hot in the summer and cold dry in the winter with a lack of rainfall, and the weather begins to improve starting from the middle of the last quarter of each year and the weather cools with December and the beginning of January.
Several valleys flow into Al-Kharj, such as Wadi Al-Sahba, Wadi Al-Haniya and Wadi Hanifa, and the governorate is famous for the eyes in it, which are cavities inside the ground that are hot in winter and cold in summer, and the region is characterized by the influx of tourists from various regions as well as from outside Saudi Arabia, especially from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.