Prayer time Dariyya

prayer time - salah time in Ad Diriyah city

Prayer times in Dariyya, Salah time in Dariyya according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Dariyya and when to raise the call to prayer in it.

Prayer times in Dariyya – Salah times in Dariyya today

مواعيد الاذان في الدرعية

مواقيت الصلاة في داريا, مواقيت الصلاة في داريا حسب التوقيت المحلي معرفة وقت صلاة الفجر وقت الظهر ووقت العصر ووقت المغرب ووقت العشاء في داريا ومتى يجب رفع الأذان فيها.

About Diriyah City

Diriyah is the capital of the first Saudi state and is located on the northwest of the city of Riyadh and separated from Riyadh about 150 kilometers, and the residences of Diriyah are distributed on the banks of Wadi Rawafda and Hanifa between Ghasiba in the north and Al-Malibid in the south, with the presence of an old wall for fortification and towers made of clay.

The area of Diriyah is about 2020 kilometers, taking into account the related centers, and its tributaries are characterized by their abundance, as there are the villages of Amran, Qaliqil, Saffar, Qusayr, Al-Mighisbi, Blida, Ghubaira, Al-Harika, Al-Khasif and others in the north.

Al-Turaif, Al-Qurain, Shuaib Block, Samhan, Al-Rafia, Al-Salmani, Nazera, Ghasiba, Al-Alab, Dabbous and Al-Malqa also separate the tributaries of Wadi Hanifa.

Prince Saud bin Muhammad bin Muqrin took over the Emirate of Diriyah in 1720 AD corresponding to 1132 AH, and after he died, Zaid bin Markhan took over the emirate in 1725 AD corresponding to 1137 AH for a period not exceeding two years, followed by Prince Muhammad bin Saud in 1727 AD corresponding to 1139 AH and was later called the title of Imam, and he led the country towards a modern stage in 1744 after the alliance with Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, the renewal of the Salafi doctrine, and the capital Diriyah fell. In 1818 AD, Ibrahim Pasha led several campaigns in central Arabia.

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