Prayer times Alexandria

prayer time in Alexandria cityمواقيت الصلاة الاسكندرية

Prayer times Alexandria, Salah time in Alexandria according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Alexandria and when to raise the call to prayer in it.

Prayer times Alexandria – Salah times in Alexandria

The following time call to prayer includes maghrib prayer time Alexandria, fajr prayer time Alexandria, Dhuhr prayer time Alexandria, Asr prayer time Alexandria, Isha prayer time Alexandria

About Alexandria City

Alexandria is nicknamed the bride of the Mediterranean and is the second capital of Egypt, and it was historically the country’s capital and has a view of the Mediterranean coast along seventy kilometers in the northwest of the Nile Delta.

The city of Alexandria has northern borders with the Mediterranean Sea and a southern border with Lake Mariout to the borders of kilometer No. 71 on the Cairo-Alexandria desert road, and it also has eastern borders with the city of Idku and Abu Qir Bay, and a western border with the Sidi Kerir area to the borders of kilometer No. 63.30 on the Alexandria-Matrouh highway.

The city of Alexandria is characterized by the presence of many wonderful landmarks and it also contains the ports of Dekheila and the port of Alexandria, which are among the largest seaports in the Arab Republic of Egypt, so about 80 percent of the total exports and imports pass through the city.

It also contains the new Library of Alexandria, which is a huge library par excellence and contains about eight million books, in addition to several archaeological sites and museums such as the Pole of Poles, the Citadel of Qaitbay and others.

According to the 2006 census, the population of Alexandria reached about four million and 123 thousand people, most of whom work in the agricultural, industrial and commercial sector, and the city of Alexandria consists of about seven neighborhoods divided administratively.

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