Prayer times in Bisha, Salah time in Bisha according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Bisha and when to raise the call to prayer in it.
Prayer times in Bisha – Salah times in Bisha today
About Bisha city
The province of Bisha in Saudi Arabia follows the Asir region and has a height of about two thousand feet above sea level with the presence of about 240 villages spread in the Bisha Valley and its tributaries, and Jacob had described it and said (Bisha valley flows from Mount Tihama), and the total population is about half a million people and the village of Al-Roshan is the heart of the province and there is the first emirate in the southern region.
Bisha is one of the important agricultural areas due to the fertility of its soil and is characterized by the cultivation of dates and abundant water, and is characterized by the cultivation of many fruits such as pomegranate, mango and guava in addition to grapes and palms, and the population grows vegetables and grains of various kinds, and the irrigation is relied on groundwater, where approximately 50,000 pumps are relied on in order to withdraw water to carry out irrigation operations.
The fertility of the soil of the Bisha region is due to the sediments resulting from the valleys in the region such as Wadi Harjab, Wadi Tabala and Wadi Taraj, and the soil is light clay and yellow in color.