Prayer times in Taif, Salah time in Taif according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Taif and when to raise the call to prayer in it.
Prayer times in Taif – Salah times in Taif today
مواعيد الاذان في الطائف
مواقيت الصلاة في الطائف, مواقيت الصلاة في الطائف حسب التوقيت المحلي معرفة وقت صلاة الفجر وقت الظهر ووقت العصر ووقت المغرب ووقت العشاء في الطائف ومتى يتم رفع الأذان فيها.
About Taif city
Taif is located in Saudi Arabia, specifically in the Makkah Al-Mukarramah region in the west of the Kingdom on the slopes of the Sarawat Mountains in the east, and rises above the ground with a length of one thousand and 700 meters, and the height is increasing when heading towards the west and south, where it reaches about 2500 meters.
The city of Taif is about 68 kilometers from Makkah, and can be reached through the Kara Mountains, also called Aqbat Al-Hada, with a length of 68 kilometers, or through the Great Torrent Road passing through Miqat Qarn Al-Nazl, which is 90 kilometers long, according to approximation.
Taif’s location is distinguished as the main roads meet from various sides north, south, east and west, and this has had the effect of having a good reputation at the military, agricultural, commercial and tourist levels since ancient times.
The city of Taif is the capital of Saudi Arabia officially in a season, and the province hosts conferences and delegations from inside and outside the Kingdom, and according to the system of regions, Taif is among the governorates of the Makkah region and the largest.
The population of the province reaches about one million and 281 thousand people, including more than 82 percent of Saudi citizens according to the population census of 1431 AH, taking into account the governorates that it administratively follows, namely Maysat, Al-Muwayh, Ranyah, Khurma and Turba.