Prayer times in Tabuk, Salah time in Tabuk according to local time Knowing the time of Fajr prayer Dhuhr time, Asr time, Maghrib time, Isha time in Tabuk and when to raise the call to prayer in it.
Prayer time in Tabuk – Salah time in Tabuk today
About Tabuk City
Tabuk is located in northern Saudi Arabia and is the seat of the Emirate of Tabuk Region, and one of the largest cities in the north of Saudi territory and its outskirts contain many important archaeological areas of the ancient Arabian Peninsula period.
The Tabuk region is considered one of the most important agricultural areas in Saudi Arabia and is a vital route for every pilgrim, pilgrim and merchant coming from outside the Arabian Peninsula and is the northern gateway to the Arabian Peninsula.
The city of Tabuk is about 700 kilometers north of Medina and about 500 kilometers from the province of Khaybar, and according to population statistics for the year 2010 AD, the number has reached about 569 thousand and 797 people, including 95 thousand and 738 residents, and the population is increasing steadily as the number of unvacant housing reached 132 thousand and 440 housing.
The city of Tabuk is characterized by medium heat in the summer and cold in the winter, and there are sea beaches characterized by scenic beauty and cleanliness, and tourists seek to dive there due to the presence of coral reefs in order to enjoy the wonderful landscape and the presence of mountains extending in length and covered with trees.
There is also a decisive area in the west of the city, which has a magnificent view and is characterized by high and steep mountains, as well as the Almond Mountain, which becomes white in color due to snow in winter.